Giving Yourself Permission to Thrive with Taiwo Adewunmi

Wow, 2020 was a year for many of us!

Are you STILL playing it small?
Do you feel guilty prospering while others may not be as fortunate?
Is your confidence shaken?
Are you still harboring fear from last year?

And now a month into 2021 - you realize your mindset needs to change ASAP.

It's time to thrive in our genius and purpose and Taiwo Adewunmi shares practical advice on how to do just that!

Representing📍Nigeria (🇳🇬)


Taiwo Adewunmi is a Lagos-born, Nigerian-American who During the week - has a day job that consists of listening to users tell their stories in creative ways at Facebook.

On the weekends  - she is creating meaningful content to uplift and encourage others via her life-changing platform called The Pearl - a safe space for women walking in God’s design for purity to embody His purpose. Taiwo is a Cali resident, but when she’s not in town, you can find her traveling around the world and taking epic pictures. In this episode, Taiwo is going to share how we can thrive in spite of what 2020 may have thrown your way… 2021 is your year! 


Follow her journey:

Skye Osunde // @CuratedBySkye

Skye Osunde is a Leadership Expert, Team Inclusion Consultant, Coach, & Facilitator with 12+ years of professional experience leading and facilitating in diverse industries at CBS Creative & Consulting, where she trains workplace teams to make workplace experiences and produce better and inclusive, through deliberate employee training experiences. When she’s not transforming teams and lives, you can find her planning her next world vacation or exploring the New England coastlines with her husband and rambunctious dog Shinobi.

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